
Personal blog and hacks by Raymundo Cassani


Situation: The setup is the following: my laptop has dual-boot setup with Linux and Windows, and a disk (NTFS) is shared between systems. I wanted to have a directory for a Git repository (in the shared disk) in such a way that:

  1. It is possible to pull and push from it regarding the OS

  2. The difference in the end-of-line characters (CRLF in Windows and LF in Linux) do not cause problems.

The solution

To share the same repository folder with Windows and Linux, it's necessary to configure Git to properly handle the end-of-line characters.

  • In Windows use:
    $ git config --global core.autocrlf auto

  • In Linux use:
    $ git config --global core.autocrlf input

With this configuration when a file is added to the index in Windows, the auto configuration makes that all the CRLF are converted to LF, and that when the files are checked LF are converted to CRLF. As the repository directory is shared between OSs, when a file is edited in Windows (thus has CRLF) but is added to the index in Linux, the input configuration makes that the CRLF are converted into LF, but when the files are checked, the LF are not converted to CRLF. More info on Git configuration here.


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